Dec. 15, 2015
So Donald Trump has no idea how the internet works so his solution (without him knowing what he’s actually saying) is to basically shut down American’s access to large portions of the internet… hello, CHINA! Ben Carson wants to make “Radicalization” a crime by shutting down the places and the meeting where it is happening…ever heard of the FIRST AMENDMENT?! I just get so angry listening to someone take so much time to get around to saying inflammatory things as well, wake up already and speak with a sense of urgency. Chris Christy was actually making sense and that is terrifying because he’s the most crooked, self-serving, petty crony up there. It seems like everyone has forgotten about Bridge-Gate and how law enforcement, school buses, ambulances, all kinds of important and innocent citizens were caught in his mess that was a personal revenge stunt. Now he’s standing on a stage convincing people that he will make a good President of the United States of America. Jeb Bush sounds reasonable but no one cares about what he says anymore, also he’s just a doofus. Carly Fiorina is surprisingly making GREAT points about how to get the economy back together, updating the laws and the machinations of the government to advance alongside the advance of technology. BUT then again she wants to give weapons to all the OTHER militias in the Middle-East to fight ISIS for us… as is that has never been tried and failed spectacularly before over and over again. Yeah more American supplied guns is exactly what the Middle East needs. I don’t really have any opinions on the other guys that were on the stage that night… so I’m not going to bother coming up with things to say about them… stay tuned for more rants!
Christina CollandraPainter, Photographer, Accessory Designer, Gallerina, Art Critic... ArchivesCategories |